Statistics show that the majority of illegal aliens in this county are from south of the boarder. Statistics also show that these individuals have a very low incidence of applying for citizenship when they can compared to aliens from other countries. Why is this? The answer is obvious. They are not interested in becoming citizens. They want jobs so they can send money home to their family. (Money flowing from the US to Mexico from immigrants is the second largest source of funds for Mexico after oil sales.) They want a better life. They want free education for their anchor babies. They want free health care. They don’t want citizenship because they don’t need it to get all those other benefits. There is also a large portion of these people that want to retake the land that the US took from Mexico three hundred years ago. Why would they want to become citizens of the US when they believe that the land will be a part of Mexico again some day.
So, what does this bill do to foster amnesty. Upon this bill becoming law every illegal alien who came to the US before January 1, 2007 could immediately apply for work authorization with no cost or questions asked. In the single stroke of a pen all twenty million illegal aliens in this county no longer have any fear of being deported. They become legal aliens. There is no requirement in the bill for any of them to apply for citizenship – they don’t have to earn anything. They don’t have to return home and then come back again. They don’t have to pay the $5,000. They are suddenly all legal.
This will do exactly what the 1986 amnesty bill did – draw another estimated one hundred million illegal aliens across our boarders. Who will pay the entitlement costs for these new illegal immigrants and the twenty million already here? The middle class, that is who.
US Senator Jim DeMint:
"But the little we do know about the bill is troubling. According to reports, the bill contains a new 'Z Visa' that allows those who entered our country illegally to stay here permanently without ever returning home. This rewards people who broke the law with permanent legal status, and puts them ahead of millions of law-abiding immigrants waiting to come to America. I don't care how you try to spin it, this is amnesty."
You must contact your representative in Congress and tell them you are not being fooled by this sham bill. Turn off the TV and do your civic duty to save this country. http://www.visi.com/juan/congress/