Saturday night Debi and I went to see Billy Joel at the Pond in Anaheim. Well, it's called the Honda Center now but I hate the renaming of these venues to the highest bidder. It was a one-time only event to a sold-out crowd. It was a great concert of old favorites interspersed with a rendition of Highway to Hell by Chainsaw with Billy Joel on guitar. You can see a similar rendition here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iLeEjOSYL78. Also you can read a review of the concert here: http://www.ocregister.com/entertainment/billy-joel-honda-1986654-center-anaheim. What was surprising was the number of yount people in the crowd. Most of them were probably not born when Billy Joel's string of populare albums were released in the 70's.
That would have been a good show to see!
first bit of spam I've ever seen in a blog comment... :(
That's the second spam I removed from this comment list. Maybe celebrity name gets attention of spiders.
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