Today is the day that we celebrate our nation and our freedom. Our independence, our constitution and our nation were built on Christian principles. We should therefore reflect on the freedom we each have to speak our mind and criticize our government and our leaders so as to build a more perfect union. We speak out not to demean the person but to continue in the tradition begun on this date in 1776 to protect our God given rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
Over the ensuing 234 years, many brave citizens have fought and many have died to protect my right to speak my mind even here on this most modern of gazette. As we celebrate this day, there are citizens in harms way on the battlefield in far away lands. Make no mistake about it, the Muslim extremist that they battle are laying down their lives with the aim of taking away these freedoms of ours. They would silence me and you for the purpose of controlling our thought in furtherance of their oppression of our inalienable rights. But, the freedom to speak that we fight for is not only your right but your duty to perfect. Speak now for whatever you see as wrong in our nation so that someone like me can be criticizing our government 234 years from now.
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