Thursday, September 28, 2006

Trellis Design Question

Somebody thinks that the trellis design is faulty such that one will bump their head into the braces when walking down the path to the setps. Since I couldn't get a photo of me actually doing that - walking down the path - here is the next best thing from the design drawing. The figure in this drawing is six feet tall.


Rob, Melissa, Luke & Joel Green said...

I would conclude from that drawing that anyone 6ft or shorter (and standing with their legs at shoulder width apart) would not hit their head.

John Rumbold said...

Actually, if I were to draw intercepting lines to the tangent of the brace, you would find that a 7' person would be safe from head injury. Perhaps we need a low clearance warning sign.

. said...

I think someone has too much time on their hands!!


Unknown said...

I've never been tall enough to hit my head on anything.