Sunday, August 03, 2008

Bathroom Upgrade

I finally got around to installing the new shower door and spray nozzel. The old door has a rotted rubber gasket on the frame that was leaking and growing mold. I bought a framless door. Naturally, it wasn't easy. Some of the grout needed to be replaced and the anchors were a problem since the tile is place on a mud wall. So, it took me most of Saturday and Sunday morning.
And, no, there isn't a toilet in the shower. It's a reflection from the glass.


. said...

Same setup ours has- use a squeegee on the glass every time after you shower, that will help keep it looking nice so you don't have to clean it every week.

John Rumbold said...

I don't understand this concept of "clean it every week." Is that something that people actually do?

The glass has a special coating on the inside that repels water and makes it bead up. So says the literature anyway. I haven't used the shower yet because the grout has to set for 72 hours before spraying on it. Not to worry, I have another shower in the house.