Friday, January 23, 2009

It Begins

The liberalization of the United States has begun as promised by Mr. Obama.
In a sweeping move, your new President has signed an executive order requiring the CIA to adopt and use the Army Field Manual on Interrogation for all terrorists interrogations anywhere in the world. Those familiar with the AFMI claim that under this executive order your local police can use more severe interrogation techniques on you than the CIA can use on terrorists in Afghanistan. Furthermore, the AFMI is a public domain document that is freely available to the terrorists so that they can train themselves in counter-interrogation techniques.
Here is the AFMI:
Playing nice to bad people and rouge states is a hallmark of liberals. They think that negotiating with terrorist, dictators and perpetrators of genocide will bring peace and tranquility to the world. For the classic example of this, see:
It is my opinion that you should all start to practice prudence in public places, including air travel. I believe that our safety will soon begin to be compromised by the liberal agenda. Did you know that about 60 detainees released from Gitmo have returned to terrorists activities? The head of al-Qaida in Yemen is a former Gitmo detainee. Under your new President it is likely that many of the remaining detainees will be placed into prisons in the United States - prisons where their colleagues living freely among you (because our boarders are not secure) will be able to take hostages in exchange for release of the detainees or drive fuel laden trucks into the gates of such prisons. Oh, and these enemy combatants (prisoners of war) will be given the benefit of civil and criminal justice rather than military justice.
Is this what you intended when you voted for Obama?

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