Monday, August 10, 2009

The Health Care Debate

The battle against the socialist health care bill is heating up. Today the topic was the rumor that the bill contained a provision that elderly people would be forced to have a discussion with their doctor about their plans for end of life care, leading some to believe that the bill was authorizing euthanasia. The liberal counter attack corrected the rumor that the provision only provided that doctors would be reimbursed for having an optional discussion about end of life care. So now all was alright with the bill and its benign provision.

Or was it? Think about it. This is exactly the tenant of the liberal big government agenda - control over your life. Can you imagine the government delineating all of the things that a doctor is allowed (paid for) to talk to you about. What about all of the things not mentioned in the bill? Since the doctors will not be paid for them, you will not get that advice. Shouldn't doctors be able to make their own decisions about discussion with patients?

Email you legislators and tell them you don't want government control of health care.

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