Friday, June 25, 2010

Authorities Raid Arizona Business, Arrest 7 Employees

Authorities raided a Maricopa County, Ariz., sanitation company after receiving anonymous tips that some of its employees were in the country illegally and had used false identification to get hired, reported.

"They're coming here to arrest people that are here working. How come he doesn't go to the border and or to somewhere to arrest criminals,” said Maria Ruiz, the wife of a Parks & Sons employee who was taken in by deputies.

Ok, here’s the deal Maria – Your husband (and probably you) broke U.S. federal statutes by entering the U.S. without a valid visa. Then, apparently, your husband obtained a false Social Security card which is a crime of tax fraud and identity theft if the real owner of the SSN is still alive. So, an alleged criminal has been arrested. As you say Maria, there are probably lots more at the boarder who should be arrested but your husband is possibly guilty of more crimes than the aliens coming across the boarder today.

Now, fortunately for you and your husband Maria, the current President and Congress of the U.S. doesn’t care that you and your husband may have violated federal statutes. You will get a pass on the “rule of law” concept of our federal democracy. I, on the other hand, a legal citizen, will be prosecuted if I were to fail to purchase health insurance – something which you don’t need because you and your husband will be given free health care without needing to have health insurance.
Welcome to America!

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