Friday, July 15, 2011

Obama: Means Test Medicare

Obama said today that he would be in favor of means testing Medicare - that is, people with higher incomes would pay a higher premium for their basic medicare coverage. That's a great idea Mr. Obama. Only thing is - WE ALREADY DO THAT!

You know - we need someone leading the Executive Branch that has a clue.

The basic Medicare Part B costs $96.40 per month for married taxpayers with adjusted gross incomes up to $170,000. As income increases, the premium increases up to a maximum of $353.60 for married taxpayers earning over $428,000. Now, a good topic might be to increase the premium for those higher income taxpayers. Food for thought - those on Medicare Advantage are covered by an insurance company much like an HMO. This HMO Advantage plan gets paid on average $900 per month for each enrollee by the government. That's right, I pay $96.40 a month for my Medicare Advantage plan and my insurance company gets $900 a month to take cae of all my medical needs. No wonder that invite me to an annual update meeting at a fancy hotel with fancy finger food.

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